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IBS - Capital Allies EN

The better the environment is for humans and animals to live in, the better things also are for businesses and their employees. We also want to do our bit. In our own way that suits us and our business operations.

We know that reducing one’s carbon footprint is a no-brainer. We just want to be sure we are addressing the issue. So what else can we do?

Our position on climate

When it comes to business activities and investments, we take the sustainable path. And we ensure our own carbon footprint is minimal. For example: we drive electric cars; we avoid using a lot of paper and when we do need to use it, we opt for a sustainable variety; and we actively encourage video conferencing so that we don’t have to travel too much. The rest, we offset via Trees for All.

We also support the non-profit organisation Justdiggit, who are working on improving the climate with their Regreen Revolution. They are a logical partner who knows how to make an instantly noticeable positive ecological impact. Which also improves the living environment for the local communities. This leads to increased opportunities for self-sufficiency and the creation of new prospects.

Our position on social issues

We realise that our core activity also has a social context. While we are successful and able to create financial prospects for our customers, we are also aware that there is a large group of people with limited earning potential and who have little or no prospects. We believe it is our duty to actively pay attention to this. We are well-informed and experienced. And most importantly, our employees are driven to make a real contribution. We are therefore also IBS Social Allies.

In order to effectively implement our position on social issues, we have created the IBS Social Allies programme.

We know that, in everything we do, there is always room for improvement and we can always do more. We know we are not perfect. But we do promise that we will keep learning and developing, and constantly look for connections.

Focus on SDGs 10, 13 and 15

Our strategy therefore leads to extra attention for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 10, 13 and 15: Reducing inequality, Climate action and Living on land. Of course we think all SDGs are of great value. And we will increasingly attend to those in the choices we make for our investments. For example in our asset management selection process: we first filter out all unsustainable shares. We do this according to the guidelines of the UN Global Compact and ‘Goede Doelen Nederland’. Only then do we select companies. All our services have their own policy.